dog tips
Creating a Memorable Valentine's Day First Impression
Bonjour! Since French is the most romantic language in the world, it only seems natural that we celebrate the day of love! We are French after all.
dog tips
Bonjour! Since French is the most romantic language in the world, it only seems natural that we celebrate the day of love! We are French after all.
dog tips
With New Year’s only a day away, we often look back at the previous year questioning what we could have done differently or maybe there is something we hope to accomplish in the year ahead. Whatever the reasoning, New Year’s is always a great time to reflect and reset.
dog tips
It is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, and there is no exception to the Wee Wee Frenchie household. It has been a creative journey of decorating Christmas trees and making sure to add a Frenchie touch to every household item in order to get into the holiday season.
dog tips
Every holiday season, I start reminiscing about holidays past. What made some of those holiday memories extra special?
dog tips
Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday) happens in a day, and it’s purpose is to help us join together to realize our potential to create change in the world. Through the use of social media, we can share ideas, empower each other, and create change in our communities.
dog tips
The Pacific Northwest was paralyzed this week with freezing temperatures. It seems that winter is here already. (Where has 2018 disappeared to?) As the temperatures continue to drop, we will be forced to stay inside where it is warm.
dog tips
With Halloween quickly approaching, keeping your dog safe is a top priority. It is exciting to attend Halloween parties, costume contests, and walk the neighborhood but it requires a lot of supervision to ensure the safety of your dog.
dog tips
Fall is such a fun time a year with the change in colors, a drop in temperatures, and pumpkins galore. We wanted to do something special this year by embracing fall and visiting a pumpkin patch.
dog tips
The days are getting cooler, the nights are getting shorter, and the air is getting crisper, which can only mean one thing . . . it is time for Halloween! We are getting excited to get dressed up in our favorite costumes and trick-or-treat in the neighborhood.
dog tips
With Phoenix’s 1st birthday celebration complete, we want to thank each and every one of you for your kind words, cards, gifts, and for those that celebrated with us in person. Phoenix had a great birthday celebration all month long but, more importantly, his birthday party was truly special.
dog tips
If your dog is suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), it is possible that your dog will be suffering from more if left untreated. Worsening or chronic GERD symptoms can lead to several other diagnoses, including esophagitis.
dog tips
When searching for a vet, there are many things to think about. You want someone who is compassionate, knowledgeable, and who will treat your dog as if it was their own. So what qualities do you need to look for in a vet?