Top 10 Poisonous Plants Every Dog Should Avoid
Being outside is not only good for you but also good for your pup. Exploring helps to keep your pup healthy and mentally stimulated. Whether hiking or playing in the park, there are a few plants you need to be cautious of.

Many plants are harmless. But if you own a curious pup, a few nibbles of the wrong plant could mean a trip to the ER.
Taking the time to learn which plants are not ok for your dog is key to enjoying the warmer months. And if you suspect your dog ingested a poisonous plant, it’s best to get him to an ER for evaluation.
Top 10 Poisonous Plants For Dogs

Although tulips are short-lived and spring-loving, they can be quite toxic if ingested. Both the leaves and the bulbs can cause upset stomach. If your dog is a digger, it’s best to avoid planting tulip bulbs.

These popular house plants have shiny, heart-shaped leaves. But chewing on the leaves can cause mouth irritation due to insoluble calcium oxalate crystals. Irritation can lead to swelling of mouth/lips, excessive drooling, and difficulty swallowing.

Lily of the Valley
These gorgeous, shade-loving plants are very toxic if ingested. If your dog consumes this plant, it can cause:
- Irregular heart beat
- Low blood pressure
- Vomiting
- Seizures

This common hedge-plant is common along the West Coast. And while it’s pretty to look at its pink blooms, it’s very toxic to dogs.
It’s like Lily of the Valley, since both contain cardiac glycosides. When ingested, it can lead to drooling, slow heart beat, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

This popular house plant is like philodendrons. Both plants contain calcium oxalate crystals. When ingested, it causes mouth irritation, drooling, swelling of mouth/lips, and vomiting.

Rhododendron (also known as Azaleas)
A common plant across the country, rhododendrons flower in the spring and fall. If ingested, the most common symptom is an upset stomach. Depending on how much your dog has eaten, it can cause weakness, low blood pressure, diarrhea, and vomiting.

These plants are very popular for their beautiful flowers that bloom in the late summer and fall. Despite their beauty, they contain the following toxins:
- Sesquiterpene
- Lactones
- Pyrethrins
When ingested, they can cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, and loss of coordination.

Sago Palm
The sago palm can live both indoor or outdoor. But this palm can cause harm if ingested, such as:
- Vomiting
- Blood in stool
- Increased thirst
- Liver damage

Japanese Yews
These ornamental hedges contain small leaves and berries that cause damage when ingested. Your dog may experience muscle tremors or seizures if eaten.

Caladium (also known as Taro)
This beautiful plant has large leaves containing calcium oxalate crystals. Ingestion can cause mouth irritation, as well as swelling of the tongue/lips, vomiting, and excessive drooling.