Creating Memories with Your Dog
I have been struggling recently with how to stop time. With Phoenix already 20 weeks old, I am finding myself juggling so many emotions.

One day, I am excited to see my pup learning skills and commands, while the next day I yearn to freeze time so I can keep Phoenix a baby forever. Needless to say, I was very excited when Phoenix received a customizable paw print ornament for Christmas from his grandpawrent. Christmas ornaments are a fun way to save memories from the year, and since Phoenix was my Christmas present this year, creating an ornament with his paw print would definitely be special.

The Petshoppe Customizable Paw Print Ornament is very easy to use. Just remove the clay from the pouch and put on aluminum foil. Then roll into a 5 inch circle with the included rolling pin. Next, take your dog's paw and gently push his paw into the clay. It can be tricky to remove the paw since the clay can stick in the area between the foot pad. It took us a few attempts to get the desired paw design but it was easy to restart the process and try again.
After getting the perfect paw print, I etched Phoenix's name into the clay. Using the included plastic ring, I pressed the ring into the clay to create a smooth edge and circular shape. Since I wanted to create a hanging ornament, I used the included straw, submersed it in water, and made a hole in the clay.

To finalize the ornament, I let it sit for 24 hours before turning the ornament over to let dry for another 24 hours. Once completely dried, I removed plastic ring and threaded ribbon through the hole for hanging. Then, I displayed our masterpiece for all of our friends and family to view, which won us great reviews!
This project was fun, quick, and easy, especially for Phoenix who has a short attention span. The paw print was a simple way to create a special memory with my pup while having an art project to display on the wall for all to view. The puppy artwork creates a conversation starter for friends and family as they inquire about your unique artwork, which can create a "proud puppy pawrent" moment to brag about your dog's artistic talent. Creating special memories or "moments in time" can be simple and quick, and this art project is the perfect way to showcase your dog.